Friday, July 13, 2018

Why Didn’t I Do This Before?

Why Didn't I Do This Before | A staged living room rich in blues | MatiDesign Interior Decorating And Home Staging London Ontario

"Why didn't I do this before, so I could have enjoyed it?"

If I had a dollar every time I heard this from a client, I could probably have retired from the world of London Ontario interior decorating already.

People have busy lives these days – technology was supposed to make our lives easier, but instead it seems to have made us even busier.

Lifestyles are becoming even more fast-paced, especially for the entrepreneurs and parents among us.

We've all got a thousand things on our mind at any given moment, and when we come home at the end of the day the last thing we want to think about is redecorating, no matter how badly our home might need it.

And once the weekend comes, you've already got so many things planned – outings with the kids, visits to friends and family, maybe a concert or a festival to go to – that the idea of making time for decorating may seem like a far-off idea.

You might have been thinking about replacing that couch with a few holes in it, or that dated 80's floral wallpaper, or that 70's wood paneling on your wall, but for many of us it never goes any further than a thought.

"Gee, I wish my home looked nicer," you might think to yourself, "but I just don't have the time to renovate it or redecorate."

If that sounds familiar, don't worry – you're not alone.

Getting room impeccable | A staged living room rich in blues | MatiDesign Interior Decorating And Home Staging London Ontario

Redecorating Your House

When I'm called in by one of the real estate agents I work with for a home staging consultation, I typically hear the same thing over and over.

After all, when you're ready to put your home on the market to be sold, you naturally want to make sure you squeeze every last dollar out of it you can.

At this point, homeowners are ready to do whatever it takes – whether it's a fresh coat of paint on the walls, downsizing, rearranging furniture, getting rid of old items that no longer work, or even more in-depth renovation work like replacing the floor.

And once I've finished staging their home, many clients end up shocked at how wonderful it can look.

It's like watching one of those makeover shows – when you neglect the way you look for a long time you sometimes end up forgetting how wonderful you can look.

This is true with your home as well – neglect it, and it falls into disrepair, but it can still be made to look beautiful again.

In fact, some people are so amazed they can't even believe it's their home.

Take the following photo, for example.

This home belonged to a couple whose children had grown up and moved away, and they found themselves with more house than they needed, so it was time to downsize.

This is what their bedroom looked like when I first met them.

It's a perfect showcase of how most of us live day to day in our busy lives, without taking into consideration the environment we're creating around us.

Picture of bedroom before | A staged living room rich in blues | MatiDesign Interior Decorating And Home Staging London Ontario

Thankfully, though, this couple was very open to suggestion.

After working together, here is the difference I was able to make with their bedroom:

Picture of bedroom after | A staged living room rich in blues | MatiDesign Interior Decorating And Home Staging London Ontario

Yep, that's the same room!

It may look completely different, but it really isn't – all it took was a coat of fresh paint, a new bed set, a quick furniture rearrangement, and some accessorizing.

After we were done, these clients told me they needed the push and the expertise of someone like me to make the changes for them, since it was always too overwhelming for them to do themselves.

Once they moved into their new home, these clients brought their new look with them, using many of the items they purchased to stage their old home to decorate their new one.

I'm always happy to show you how amazing your home can look.

Contact MatiDesign

Don't wait until you have to move to get the home of your dreams.

Contact MatiDesign today to book an in-home decorating consultation.

During that consultation, I'll help you understand what it is about your home that's causing it to look aged, tired, or worn out, walk you through some ideas, and show you hoe I can help you make your home look its best.

Don't just live with a home you hate.

Call me, MatiDesign, and let me give you a home you'll love

Discover additional info about interior design, decor, and style at: home stagers london ontario

Mati Design can help you enhance the natural beauty of your home in a way that is timeless, comfortable, and works for you and your family Contact her for more information on his work. Mati Edwards 441 Montrose Ave, Toronto, ON M6G 3H2 Mati Design in Google+ . -

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Holiday clips: "Thomas Cole: Empire to Eden"

Episode No. 348 is a holiday weekend clips episode with curator Betsy Kornhauser.

Along with Tim Barringer, Kornhauser  is the co-curator of "Thomas Cole: Eden to Empire," which is at the National Gallery in London through October 7. (The re-titled exhibition debuted at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in January as "Thomas Cole's Journey: Atlantic Crossings.") Barringer and Kornhauser's show examines Cole's origins in the north of England during the Industrial Revolution and the impact Britain and Cole's travels through England and Italy had on his American career. It is the first time Cole's work has been examined in the context of his European experiences, and aims to present Cole as not just an American figure, but as a trans-Atlantic figure. The outstanding exhibition catalogue, one of the best of 2018, was published by the Met and is distributed by Yale University Press. Amazon offers it for $65.

For images of art discussed on this week's program, see Episode No. 326.

Heartwarming Houston Wedding at the Hobby Center

Allison and Kyle are an incredibly gorgeous couple both inside and out. They're an inspiration of love and instantaneously spread joy to all those around them with their kind personalities and infectious beautiful smiles. Best wishes to these newlyweds – may the warmth of your everlasting love surround you both forever. ~ Bear Hands Media

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